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Image by Tim Hüfner

Rural Leaders

Create Capacity for Your Legacy to Thrive

Start Your Journey Here

Begin from wherever you are, based on your experience and vision for the future.


Image by Zoe Schaeffer


Image by Gregory Hayes


Our Approach

Hands-On Development

We cultivate it.

Personal Agency

We own it.

Trust & Courage

We share it.

Thriving Culture

We live it.

Build Your Legacy

Image by Melissa Askew

Farm Succession Coordination

Develop a unified plan for the future of your farm, family, and team. From understanding the organization and culture of the farm to refining management and operations, succession coordination helps create a well-rounded plan for a healthy transition from the owner generation to the successor generation of your farm.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Farm Business Planning & Coaching

Some farms run on auto-pilot. Whether yours is a fine-tuned machine or not, it can be helpful to explore ideas to diversify and increase cash flow on a farm. Efficiency and better organization can help as much as implementing new value-added services and products. The most important thing is to stay aligned with your values and vision.

Image by Dave Goudreau

Farm Resilience Coaching

Farming is not work for the faint of heart. Although we put in long hours and demonstrate incredible strength mentally and physically, sometimes the stress of life and work can take a toll. Whether you're noticing a mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual drain, we invite you to participate in a series of personal resilience building sessions.

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